Creatures We Dream of Knowing
Andrew Marr OSB
'When I visited the Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans, I was astounded by all the underwater creatures I could never have imagined until I saw them with my own eyes. If real creatures can be so unimaginable, how can we be so sure that creatures we can imagine do not exist in our universe?....Creatures such as these haunt our dreams when we are sleeping and when we are awake. They haunt our dreams to ask us to open our eyes and hearts to see them and welcome them into our lives.' from the Introduction.
These seven short stories of fantasy fiction—The Last Duck-Billed Fountainfish; Pendara's Story, as Told to Leonard; The Flask of Rathumar: As Told by Denny Hamilton and Gerald Manning, and more—are life-changing encounters for the characters, and feasts of the imagination for the reader.
paperback pp 201