I Saw Him & I Sought Him

Julian of Norwich & the Holy Icons

John-Michael Mountney

Mountey places Julian’s texts alongside liturgical texts of Western and Orthodox Christianity and opposite full page color icons. This book focuses “not on parallels between aspects of Julian’s thinking and strands of the Orthodox theological tradition but...the way in which appreciation of Julian’s witness can be enhanced through an appreciation of the spiritual effectiveness of the prayerful use of icons.” As he notes, “Julian’s Showings were things seen and gazed on, and the importance of this for our faith cannot be underestimated.”

The book includes an introduction on the use and function of icons, a reflection on Julian and the crucifixion and how the crucifixion is understood and portrayed in Orthodoxy, and each icon in the book is interpreted in a brief summary before being shown in color with its liturgical material and a passage from Julian, chosen for its relevance to the icon.


pp 130

The foreword and afterword consist of “a brief history of orthodox time” by Sheila Upjohn, revealing “the urgent need for reconciliation and forgiveness”; Julian of Norwich & the Holy Icons explores some of “the gifts Orthodoxy brings to the universal Church.”

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